My name is Donald but most of my family, friends and fabulous fans know me as Nose. I am one of those addicts that don’t do too well with the “just for today” thing. I’m more or less one of those “just for the moment” kind of addicts. This went on with 7 prison terms over like 17 years in prison.
In 2013, I was introduced to Hawkes Home in Vista, California. At Hawkes Home, I learned to be positive, finally love myself, be honest, reliable, and accountable. With the support of Harley and Joyce and through Hawkes Home, I became employable.

Today I still remain clean and sober, working with the same company now for almost 5 years, have my own truck, tools, place to live, and a beautiful honest woman in my life.
If it wasn’t for the love and support I got—and still get—out of Hawkes Home, I would probably be back in prison, or dead in my addiction. I owe Hawkes Home for the life I have today.
I am really grateful for Hawkes Home. They gave me the chance to start my new life—a real life.
What I have experienced here is a clean and sober environment, a place where I feel safe. What the Hawkes has done and is doing for me is giving me an affordable place where I can be a productive member in this society.
I owe my life, the way it is today, to Hawkes Home.

My name is George and I live at Hawkes Home. Living here has given me an opportunity to save money, and to set and achieve goals one at a time. I’ve been able to maintain sobriety and be surrounded by other sober people.

Hawkes Home has given me the chance to save money, make wonderful friends, and have a good support group. This place has The Best group of people that make you feel welcome. It has a very positive vibe.

Hello, my name is Gilbert. What Hawkes Home did for me in the two and a half years I was there was I learned to be responsible and grow in my life. I learned to work and become an independent individual. Before that, I was in and out of prison for 42 years. I’m 60 years old now and this is the first time I even did a program. After I completed Amity House’s rehabilitation program, I went to a different house—it was dirty (meaning people were using drugs) and the managers did not care. So then I came to Hawkes Home and talked to people and got support. I heard the stories here of guys who were making it. Hawkes Home helped me find work. I got a job and was able to buy a car—for the first time in my life!
Hawkes Home is what changed my life. They taught me to be responsible. The unity of Hawkes Home and the Higher Power are what got me to where I am today. Hawkes Home is a good home.

Gilbert with his daughter and grandson.
Hawkes Home has been a saving grace for me. It gave me the foundation I needed to get my life back on track. I’m thankful and blessed to have come here.

Hi, my name is Glen and I’m a resident here at Hawkes Home. I’ve been here for almost six months now. Coming here has been a blessing. I’ve been able to get my driver’s license—something I have not had in over 20 years! I’ve been able to get a good job that allows me to support myself.
Today I am striving to get my Contractor’s License and start my own business—something I would never have thought possible. You see, before coming to Hawkes Home, I was looking at my 10th prison term. By the Grace of God and the help Hawkes Home has provided, I’ve been able to turn my life around and get my feet under myself. Thank you, Hawkes Home! Respectfully, Glen.

Hello, my name is Gabriel and I am a resident at Hawkes Home. I am writing this as a thank you to all those who contribute or have contributed to the establishment of Hawkes Home. I was incarcerated for almost two decades. Since my release, Hawkes Home has truly helped with my transition to becoming a responsible law-abiding citizen. Thanks Hawkes Home and all its supporters!

With a place to sleep, I could start looking for a job. Hawkes Home helped me get some clothes and a bus pass.
I was employed within a week and put a down payment on a car in two weeks. I have never felt so blessed.
I honestly don't know where I would be if it weren't for Hawkes Home. Thank you for the love and support!
I met Harley when I was still in prison with a little less than a year until my release. When I had left prison before that, I always had family to stay with. But this last time I had no family to go to, so Harley told me I should come to Hawkes Home.
I did and everything fell into place there. I always felt safe at Hawkes Home. At age 66, finding a job was harder. Living at Hawkes Home gave me the time I needed to find work. It is very supportive and the first job I found was through one of the other guys there. I had a job and bought a car. Then I found a job that was even better. After 15 months at Hawkes Home, I was able to move out on my own.
Thank you, Hawkes Home!

Gangs, drugs, and prison are what I was involved with for most of my life. I was raised in a household that used. Two years ago I spent 11 months at Casa Rafael, a treatment facility; it was there I learned about Hawkes Home. I moved into Hawkes Home 2 years ago and have been here ever since.
When I got here, I had a dead-end job and no plan. With the help of Hawkes Home and the men here, I am now a father again, a real

member of my family, I’m a tax-paying citizen, and I have a career working for a union. I am in a 2-year apprenticeship program and now I won’t have to worry about finding work again. (In the past, that was a problem because of my felonies.) I learned about joining the union through someone at Hawkes Home. The comeraderie is so important. There were times I wanted to leave and go back to the life I knew, but talking to the guys here kept me grounded. Hawkes Home gave me a starting foundation for the rest of my life!
Jesse with his children
Hawkes Home has done so much for me. When I got here, I had nothing in my life. Now my life is 100% better than ever. One of the big things in my life, I have good in it now.

As the Manager of Hawkes Home, I'm able to work with our clients and see their growth.
As an addict myself, working with the men is helping me stay sober, teaching me a new set of skills and compassion when it comes to dealing with life's problems.

Photo courtesy Bill Wechter
Hawkes Home has created a peaceful environment for me. I transitioned here after I graduated from rehab.
Thanks to Hawkes Home, I've been able to keep my sobriety. It's an elite transitional home compared to other homes here in Vista.
When I decided to change my life, Hawkes Home provided a safe environment with well-rounded people to support me.
I proceeded forward in taking the steps I needed to take to become a proactive and positive member of today's society.
Thank you, Hawkes Home!